The thirteenth season of ''South Park'', an American animated television comedy series, originally aired in the United States on Comedy Central between March 11 and November 18, 2009. The season was headed by the series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who served as executive producers along with Anne Garefino. The season continued to focus on the exploits of protagonists Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny and Butters in the fictional Colorado mountain town of South Park. The season was the first of three new seasons Parker and Stone agreed to produce for the network under a renewal deal. It consisted of fourteen 22-minute episodes, which aired in two groups of seven episodes separated by a six-month gap. Prior to the season's premiere, all ''South Park'' episodes were made available for free viewing on the official series website, ''South Park Studios''. The 13th season was the first to be broadcast in high definition and in widescreen. Continuing their practice from previous seasons, Parker and Stone wrote and produced each episode within the week before its broadcast date. The 13th season satirized such topics as the ACORN scandal, Japanese whaling, piracy in Somalia and the marketing tactics of the Walt Disney Company. Celebrities were spoofed throughout the season, including the Jonas Brothers, Kanye West, Carlos Mencia, Paul Watson and Glenn Beck, all of whom publicly responded to their portrayals. The episode "Fishsticks" attracted particular media attention due to rapper Kanye West's declaration that its jokes about his arrogance were funny but hurt his feelings. "The F Word", in which the central characters attempt to change the definition of the word "fag", was especially controversial and prompted complaints from the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. A broadcast of "Pinewood Derby" in Mexico was pulled, allegedly due to its depiction of Mexican President Felipe Calderón. "Fatbeard" was praised by the crew of the USS ''Bainbridge'', which was involved in the 2009 rescue of the MV ''Maersk Alabama'' from Somali pirates. The 13th season received mixed reviews: some critics called it one of ''South Park'' ==Episodes== 〕 |OriginalAirDate = |ShortSummary = Randy steals a superconducting magnet and slips it into the back of Stan's pinewood derby car to ensure his son will win the annual state derby. Stan's car takes first place while reaching warp speed and shooting off into space, where it is discovered by an alien species. A spaceship soon lands in South Park. The pilot, an alien bank robber, demands that Stan and Randy build a new warp drive, but Randy refuses to tell the truth in order to avoid admitting he cheated in the derby. The bank robber is killed, and Randy convinces Earth's leaders to keep the alien's "space cash", which they divide among themselves. An Intergalactic Police ship arrives looking for the robber, but no one admits to seeing him or the money. Eventually, however, Stan admits he cheated in the pinewood derby and returns the trophy. The robber emerges from the officers' ship, revealing he faked his own death and is really the ambassador to new worlds. The people of Earth were being tested to determine whether they were worthy to join the intergalactic community. Having failed, the Earth is forever isolated from the rest of the universe as punishment. |ProdCode = 1306 |LineColor = E0C665 }} }} 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「South Park (season 13)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク